Wedding Photographer Rhine-Main

Lea Weber Photography

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Wedding Photographer Rhine-Main

Hi, I'm Lea, 35 years old, born in the beautiful Hunsrück and live with my husband Erik in Frankfurt am Main. I have been working as a photographer in the wedding and commercial photography sector for 11 years. As a wedding photographer in Hesse, I naturally travel a lot in this region. But basically I work all over Germany.

I was inspired professionally very early on by my two grandfathers. They were a photographer and a cameraman. Since then I knew that I wanted to be a photographer. And this desire has never changed. Image editing and graphic design in particular interested me a lot when I was young and kept me sitting at my PC until late at night. My girlfriends also had to be ready to be photographed by me on a regular basis, even though I "only" took pictures with a normal small digicam back then.

My better half

As a great support at my side, I have my husband and best friend Erik, who perfectly complements my passion through videography and as a drone pilot, and has also become a big part of my business in all other conceivable areas. Here, thank goodness, life has given me a man by my side who is just as enthusiastic about cameras as I am.

Above all, he is willing to get up with me in the middle of the night to photograph sunrises, for example. Especially when it's cold in the early hours of the morning, he often has more stamina than I do 🙂 We especially like to do this in Tuscany, Majorca or South Tyrol. These are our favourite destinations, and we are always drawn back to them.

My interests

When I'm not busy with photography, I devote myself to topics like baking, games, cooking and wine evenings with friends & family. I am also very enthusiastic about travelling & hiking, a vegan lifestyle (e.g. vegan natural cosmetics), healthy nutrition, books and coaching on the subject of personal development.

As you can see from my portfolio, a large part of my (free) time consists of photographic activities and therefore it is not really a profession for me, but rather a vocation.

Personality development has been a topic that has become incredibly important to me for several years. Fortunately, it can also be integrated into everyday business life. Perhaps it has even become essential. Because in my eyes, nothing is more important than constantly developing yourself. In my job, for example, this applies to technical aspects, but also to personal issues, because we deal with people a lot and I value that very much.

We have so many points of contact with different people that I sometimes think I couldn't have learned more about people anywhere than in my chosen profession as a photographer. If I hadn't become a photographer, I probably would have realised myself somewhere in the field of psychology, because this subject really interests me. In general, in the field of personality development, I am always concerned with the question of who we are and what we have in us in terms of potential for development. I could philosophise about topics like these for hours over a good glass of wine. I have always been fascinated by finding out what moves people in depth, what ideas and visions they have for their own lives, and I prefer such conversations to any small talk.

Personal insights

Through our work as wedding photographers, we get very private insights into the lives of our bridal couples on a daily basis, because after all, we are accompanying them at a very important event in their lives. Although we are constantly present at weddings, each one is special and unique in its own way.

We are often asked, especially at weddings, whether our job isn't pretty hard, whether it isn't exhausting to work every Saturday. Or whether it doesn't get too much at some point and whether weddings don't lose their charm at some point.

The answer is definitely "no"! It doesn't annoy us at all! Because I don't know if there would even have been any better professional activity in our lives that would have taught us so much about ourselves and our fellow human beings.

Weddings are a very special day and it never takes long for the first emotional moments to come and for almost all people to drop the masks that we almost all automatically wear every day. On such days, it shows us every time anew that we are all the same. We people may have different goals and want different things in life, but deep down we are all the same, all connected and we all go through similar emotions.

Getting to know people

My experience as a wedding photographer over the last few years alone has shown me that we appear very different - especially at first glance. But if you give people an open ear and take off your own mask, in most cases it doesn't take very long until our counterpart opens up and shows at least a part of his or her true self.

And I often notice: it's not so different from mine!

Then I often recognise myself in my counterpart. But this can only succeed if we pay more attention to each other, and unfortunately we all do this far too little and far too seldom. Everyone simply has their own individual story in life. It is precisely this that enables us to create individual reports and to tell these stories to some extent. The job fills me with humility and I am simply grateful to be able to do it.


What concerns all my activities is that I have always had a wide range of interests and often found focus difficult. It often seemed to me that my days had far too few hours to pursue all my interests. Because I know how important focus is, I have often tried to narrow down my range of interests in recent years. I just thought that's the way it has to be. However, I have not succeeded several times, but I have managed to reconcile all my interests well despite their diversity.

That's why I decided that maybe that's just the way it should be and that I want to pursue everything as best I can. In this way, I have integrated all my interests into my job and never have the feeling that I really have to work. For me, a Monday has the same meaning as a weekend in most cases. The reason for this is that I really want to take on all the jobs I take on and I really enjoy doing them individually.

For me, this is especially true in the field of wedding photography. There are more and more photographers who decide for themselves to only accompany a certain type of wedding. I don't want to deny that to anyone, because for one or the other it may be exactly the right solution. I, on the other hand, have decided not to accompany only one type of wedding.

My visual language

The imagery may go in a certain direction for me too, but I find almost all wedding themes and types so interesting that I wouldn't want to miss either one or the other. We accompany a wide variety of weddings, from boho weddings to royal weddings, and always do our best to adapt our work to the individual wishes of our clients and to produce creative wedding reports with recognition value.

If you are interested in a wedding reportage or a shooting of any kind, I would be happy to hear from you. I will then be happy to send you an overview of my services.

Wedding Photographer Hesse

Wedding Photographer Frankfurt
Exclusive wedding portraits

"Photographs capture a moment that's gone forever, impossible to reproduce."

- Karl Lagerfeld



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